
Youth from around the world are facing the challenge of creating a better world for all people everywhere!
Boogie Rescue Squad - A Swiss Humanitarin Foundations
We are in the start-up phase of an International Humanitarian Foundation called the Boogie Rescue Squad – to be based in Zurich, Switzerland. Because of the war, we will also set up an operation in Romania and the other countries bordering Ukraine, for providing help to the victims of the Ukraine-Russian War of 2022. We will create vibrant communities for refugees in and around Romania near Ukraine.
The Projects Regarding The Ukraine Crisis
The Family is the building block of any community and so the quality of life in the community is of paramount importance when thinking about improving the lives of people. The goal of the Ukraine Project is to restabalize people’s lives as soon as possible by getting them out of Emergency Shelters and into Hotel Rooms. To then get them out of hotels into a semi permanent solution and from that into a permanent community.
Our Approach
People - Family - Community - World!
Our approach is quite simple, we put people at the center of our attention. The obvious extension of the person, is the family. To thrive, the family needs a home and the clustering of homes result in a community. We believe that in order to have a meaningful impact, we must address each of theses elements. Since most of the people suffering the consequences of the Ukraine / Russian War were not involved in it’s planning, we are forced to improvise and shorten the time necessary to provide appropriate solutions.
To minimize the negative impact of the war on the people, we intend to provide a full service solution. We aim to be part of the volunteers world wide demonstrating what can be accomplished when people unite for a cause. The services we provide will be all the essentials including also education and entertainment. We will use this opportunity to set an example of how people in a crisis should be treated with love and intention despite the color of their skin.
Multiple Community Solutions
Our goal is to come in contact with the refugees as soon as possible in their transition from sovereign citizen to refugee status, so that we can minimize their trauma. Through our on-line presence, a family planning to flee Ukraine can already be in touch with us so we can meet them and provide for their needs as soon as possible, as they get out of the war torn areas.
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Boogie Rescue Squad - A Humanitarian Swiss Foundations
Our Projects are based on our concept that we believe that Business should be in the Business of serving people. So instead of brainstorming about the next best gadget to become a billionaire, we design projects based on serving the needs of people. Even before the War in Ukraine, we were developing our Island Project and our Italian Project, so all we did was literally copy and paste those projects adding the component of emergency housing and making them specific to the Ukraine Case.
We were already in the process of starting up our Swiss Foundation and funding it so the only difference now is that the War in Ukraine has created a heightened sense of urgency. It is really personal for us as we have several members of our global family living in Ukraine, and it is upsetting seeing them wishing to stay in their country when every second they are there exposes them to a life and death situation. I admire their courage and optimism, but despite the admirable manner in which Vlada, Anastasia and Vitaly are facing the situation, this is no reason for us to reduce our efforts to provide aid and sustenance.
This is what we do. We do projects and along with our global family, we are always thinking about things we can do to improve life for everyone on the planet. We think the concept of dividing people along; racial, religious or other lines is simply stupid and instead, we find that the natural curiosity for those who are different from us is enriching.
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" The Ukraine Project "
Our Projects are based on our concept that we believe that Business should be in the Business of serving people. So instead of brainstorming about the next best gadget earn a billionaire, we design projects based on serving the needs of people. Even before the War in Ukraine, we were developing our Island Project and our Italian Project, so all we did was literally copy and paste those projects adding the component of emergency housing and making them specific to the Ukraine Case.
We were already in the process of starting up our Swiss Foundation and funding it so the only difference now is that the War in Ukraine has created a heightened sense of urgency. It is really personal for us as we have several members of our global family living in Ukraine, and it is upsetting seeing them wishing to stay in their country when every second they are there exposes them to a life and death situation.
This is what we do. We do projects and along with our global family, we are always thinking about things we can do to improve life for everyone on the planet. We think the concept of dividing people along; racial, religious or other lines is simply stupid. Instead we find that the natural curiosity for those who are different from us is enriching.
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Multiple Community Solutions
We publicize our website and network with other aid organizations allowing people to make reservations for them to be met at various locations in Romania. Wherever possible, they will be taken directly to one our centers where they will have private or semi-private accommodations. They will be provided with toiletries, towels, slippers and the things necessary for their personal hygiene.
We wish to minimize the time spent in Emergency shelters like gymnasiums, and get our guests into temporary housing then into a permanent community as quickly as possible with as little drama as possible. They will then be onboarded into out community and we will provide them with the support they will need for health, mental health, job search, entertainment and their room and board.
Urban Emergency Accommodations
If the Refugee Family did not reserve our services on-line, then we will come into contact with them in a temporary shelter, like a gymnasium, for example. Our services start at this point and we enroll them into our Temporary Urban Accommodations. These are typically hotels in the cities and the provide a room and board and their basic needs. Our goal is to get people out of the mass accommodations and into a room as soon as possible.

Urban Permanent or Semi- Permanent Accommodations
The Permanent Urban Accommodations will simply be more comfortable and instead of just being a simple room it will have a kitchen and be more of typical apartment. People finding employment quickly in the cities may be well suited to remaining in this form of housing for a longer period of time. Those not finding employment may want to move into one of our other communities in rural districts.

Permanent Rural Accommodations
For those people who prefer to be away from the cities, we will have rural communities. Many people will be able to get paid jobs associated with the running and the maintenence of the community. We will create jobs through our Vertical Farming for both producing the communities food as well as for through our own netFresh Food Stores.

Permanent Island Accommodations
We contacted Ambassador Dr. Jorge Perez Alvarado, formely, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Dominican Republic in Russia. Since he was the Dean of Ambassadors in Moscow for several years we were well aware that he would have excellent contacts in all the countries bordering Russia. We contacted his to seek his assistance in introducing us to the political authorities in Romania, and to our great surprise he volunteered to receive the 500 refugees we wish to help, on his island in the Dominican Republic ……

The Italian Project
Villages Without People
There are more than 5,000 abandoned medieval villages in Italy spread out across the Italian territory. There are many reasons why these villages were abandoned and range from young people going away to school and deciding to remain in the urban centers – to natural disasters like earthquakes. Regardless of the reason, Italy is losing a valuable portion of its patrimony due to abandonment of medieval villages which embody historic and architectural relevance.

Simultaneously There Are People Without Villages
Our idea is to restore abandoned Italian Villages, promote multi-ethnic communities and establish a sustainable economy which provides ample job and business opportunities for the local inhabitants, thereby maintaining a balanced population over time.
Recovering these abandoned villages preserves the the touristic appeal Italy enjoys worldwide, reduces congestion in urban centers, the preferred destination for immigrants and refugees, and provides much needed homes for the many immigrants, refugees and young Italians themselves who need affordable, full service communities with economic opportunities for both employment and small to medium sized enterprises.
Around 6,200,000 people residing in Italy have an immigration background (around the 10.4% of the total Italian population). They also exclude illegal immigrants whose numbers are difficult to determine. There is therefore an opportunity for a win win solution while maintaining the rich history and architecture of medieval communities in Italy.
People Leaving Kharkiv
People are desperately leaving their homes as the bombing continues. It is dangerous to stay and it is dangerous to leave, but many people prefer to take the risk of the unknown instead of staying in Ukraine, at the mercy of illogical & random bombing. Others like my good friend Vlada, refuses to leave saying ‘this is my country, why should I become a refugee?’
Our job is not to point fingers but to help where we can and if we can. We do know that it is not a simple undertaking and we welcome the challenge open heartedly.
We believe that generosity is giving people what they need it when they need it in the most dignified manner possible and this is our goal.
We will work to settle the refugees who have gone to Romania. We will select those who are willing to go to the Caribbean and help them to go there. Our motto is:
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Permanent Island Accommodations
We did not even consider this generous offer previously and we are still preparing the structures, that is, the (Special Purpose Vehicles -SPV) in the form of a Swiss Humanitarian Foundation for the Ukraine Project.
We are in the early stages of organizing an island project in the Caribbean, where we will be building a nation state from the ground up. The implications are many and the opportunities are plentiful and so we will be able to provide jobs as well as other economic opportunities for many of the refugees who accept our offer to move to the Dominican Republic. Please remember that our business model is not based on profit optimization but a combination of sustainability and happiness, what we call the S/H Factor (Sustainability/Happiness) Factor. That is, we strive for Sustainability but not at the cost of the Happiness of the least strong member in our community.
Permit me to digress so as to create the context in order to promote a better understanding. When we put up the island nation’s website we will link to provide more details, but suffice it to say that one of our projects is the construction of a new Island state on an already identified Caribbean island. This will generate many jobs of all levels and give us a clean canvas upon which we can demonstrate our idea of what a country should be like.
The majority of our vendors are Italian and many of out raw materials will come from Italy. We will have our supplies transported to a transshipment point in Spain or Portugal where we will consolidate our shipments. Our logistics division which will be comprised of 13 A400M military transport airplanes will transport our good from Europe to the Caribbean.
We will create vertical Agricultural Farms throughout the Caribbean and South America and they will supply us with fresh produces both for our consumption as well as for export to Europe. These fresh products will be transported to our Preparation plants in the Dominican Republic to be transformed into healthy, easy to prepare foods. Our prices will be competitive as, through vertical integration, we avoid the need for chains of brokers therefore getting our products almost directly from the producers to the consumers. The products are then packed into their appropriate displays which are designed by our Architect, Simone Micheli. These displays serve as transport containers, and Point of Sales Display when they get to their destinations. The idea is to do all the manual labor in the jurisdiction where our labor cost are relatively low so that our retail outlet are show pieces and their staff can dedicate themselves to customer care and not preparing the point of sales.
We also prepare bulk Coconut water and other juices high in natural antioxidants, coming from tropical plants. In this way, the same aircraft we use to bring our materials and supplies from Europe to the Caribbean, will not be flying back empty, to our consolidation bases in Spain or Portugal, but they are loaded with these Fresh Produce in Display Units.
When they arrive at the destination cities, these prepared and sealed display units will be picked up by our trucks at the airport and delivered to the network of our own stores. This is done weekly and any produce that was not sold in a week is delivered to Caritas as a donation. The leftovers are consolidated into the appropriate number of refrigerated displays which are taken to Caritas by our pickup teams.
Empty displays are taken back to the airport to be taken back to the DR. With this method, we have provided hundreds of good paying jobs and economic opportunities for our refugee family and for marginalized immigrants living in Italy. Italy will be our test territory, then we will expand the model to other European countries. We will purchase small urban storefronts that have very little market value and install our Point of Sales. We provide the Italian residents excellent fruit and vegetables at a competitive price and we create countless jobs in Italy.
Return frequently as we post updates regarding this and our other ambitious projects and feel free to contact us if you have any ideas, or wish to work with us.
The Italian Project
Villages Without People - People without Villages
Our project to restore selected abandoned Italian Villages serves the needs of immigrants, refugees and young Italians and Europeans who wish to live in a stimulating , international community with a high standard of living as well as education, social and sporting activities, preventative health and dental care and a broad range of economic opportunities.
In our opinion, the Business Model of the future must not start with the concept of profits, as has been the status quo in modern times, but must ask a different question, that is, “how can we use our business to improve the lives of the people who live in our community, provide gainful employment, and business opportunities to those persons who embody the entrepreneurial spirit?
The Business Model of the future must take the whole person into consideration and design into their model the total needs of all the community members, satisfy these needs and make a profit in the process to assure sustainability and continuity.
Our model does all of this. We carefully select the villages we will restore. We repopulate it with a nice mixture of people with an international background, we provide all the services a community needs to thrive. And we build an innovative network of our own businesses to provide jobs for members of the community, that do not require a long trip to and from the workplace everyday. We plan to begin this project in 2022 and our architect of choice for this and all our projects is non other than Simone MiCHELI.